Darià Artiola - Imagination Article Image - SONO Music Press Release

Explore Death and the Afterlife with Darià Artiola’s Latest EP: Imagination

A Dreamy and Melancholic Musical Journey Dedicated to Two Lost Friends

Barcelona, Spain

Release Date: 2023-04-14
Check out Imagination here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0iQ0TI-kUas

Darià Artiola has just released his latest EP, Imagination, and it’s a deeply personal journey into death, the afterlife, and the great unknown. This EP is a four-song exploration of our relationship with death, dedicated to two close friends who passed away in recent years.

Darià Artiola - Imagination Article Image - SONO Music Press Release

Artiola, a musician originally from Tucson, Arizona, who has been living and producing in Barcelona, Spain for the past decade, created this EP with the help of IK Miranda at IK Studio in Barcelona. The EP was produced during the pandemic of 2020 and is accompanied by IK Miranda, Dr Antonio Rubio, Adrià Pastor, and Albert Aran in concerts.

The EP is a mix of rock, post-rock and electronic music, with a unique sound that has been described as “dreamy and melancholic”. It features atmospheric guitars, drums, synths, and a wide range of vocal textures, creating a soundscape that is both soothing and haunting at the same time.

This EP marks a departure from the traditional rock sound and explores a more experimental soundscape. Artiola has been influenced by the likes of Sigur Rós, Radiohead, and Mogwai, and has created something that is both familiar and unique at the same time.

Overall, Imagination is an ambitious and thought-provoking exploration of death and the afterlife, and it’s an excellent example of how genre boundaries are being pushed and explored in the current musical climate. With its ambient soundscapes, atmospheric guitars and electronic textures, it’s an EP that is sure to stand the test of time and become a classic in its own right.
