Fury of a Dying Planet - Bloodied Fjords Article Image - SONO Music Press Release

Hear the Powerful Anthem for Our Planet: “Bloodied Fjords” by Fury of a Dying Planet

London-based artist Doug Rimington’s Emotive Performance is a Rallying Call for Environmental Activists

London, United Kingdom

Release Date: 2023-03-31
Check out Bloodied Fjords here: https://youtu.be/WHzkBzNgTro

Fury of a Dying Planet is a band on a mission to raise awareness about the state of our planet through their music. Their latest single, “Bloodied Fjords,” is a powerful anthem for the heroes of the Earth who fight to protect and defend the environment and all living creatures.

Fury of a Dying Planet - Bloodied Fjords Article Image - SONO Music Press Release

Doug Rimington, the multi-instrumentalist and producer behind the band, was inspired to write the song after watching the documentary Seaspiracy. He poured his frustration and feelings of helplessness into the lyrics and recorded all the instrumentation before bringing on board Paul Brigstock to add vocals.

The album production duties were handled by Doug himself, with the exception of mixing and mastering. Chris Allan, an ex-member of Malefice, engineered the drums, which were recorded in his studio. Doug recorded all guitars, bass, and synths in his own studio, while Paul Brigstock recorded vocals remotely. The album was mastered by Justin Hill of SikTh and Heart of a Coward.

The band’s logo was designed by Bec Dennison of Bullet on a String, who has worked with Doug on various projects over the years.

To sum up, “Bloodied Fjords” is an urgent plea for everyone who cares about our planet and its living beings. Fury of a Dying Planet’s music not only provides an emotional outlet for their frustrations but also serves as a potent means of awakening people to the environmental crisis and motivating them to take action.
