The Idle Silence - Dark Matter Article Image - SONO Music Press Release

Feel the Power of The Idle Silence’s New Single ‘Dark Matter’

An Alternative and Indie Rock Blend that Dives Deep into the Depths of Depression

Taunton, United Kingdom

Release Date: 2023-02-24
Check out Dark Matter here: https://open.spotify.com/artist/58Ko9BuiqrFuFckSFFnMNc?si=UmbBiYGUR4GCe_YpnlU8Tg

The Idle Silence has released a new single that captures the raw emotions of depression with a brooding and heavy sound. The single, titled “Dark Matter,” begins with a steady buildup of a powerful guitar line, pounding drums, and a great “dirty” vocal that sets the tone for the rest of the song. The lyrics themselves speak to the feelings of hopelessness and despair that often accompany depression, but ultimately offer a message of hope and the reminder that no one is alone in their struggle.

The Idle Silence - Dark Matter Article Image - SONO Music Press Release

The Idle Silence’s ability to translate the emotional weight of the lyrics into their sound is truly impressive. The combination of a dark and brooding instrumentation, solos and buildups with the emotive and powerful vocals, creates a sonic landscape that draws the listener in and holds them captive until the very end. With “Dark Matter,” The Idle Silence has proven themselves to be a band to watch in the alternative and indie rock scene.

Ultimately, “Dark Matter” is a strong and emotional song that talks to depression as a universal experience. We are excited to hear what The Idle Silence has in store for the future…
