
Feel the Joy of Summertime with Haawa’s Latest Single, “Say It”

Experience a Unique Blend of Hip-Hop, R&B, Soul and Folk in Haawa’s Powerful New Track

New York, United States

Release Date: 2023-04-06
Check out Say It here: https://music.apple.com/us/album/say-it/1677215606?i=1677215607

Haawa’s latest single, “Say It”, is a feel-good pop anthem, perfectly capturing the joys of summertime. The New York-based singer-songwriter was born to Malian parents in the Bronx and grew up in a cultural melange of music – from Malian folk to urban and pop hits played on the NYC radio, and Latin-American pop music.

Haawa has been releasing music as a solo artist since 2021, and her debut single, “Recalibrate”, was met with critical acclaim. She has also spent several years in a musical duo, Browni, with a collaborator from her alma mater, Princeton.

The song “Say It” features Haawa’s distinctive vocal style along with a dreamlike fusion of hip-hop beats and synths. Inspired by a leisurely day spent in Brooklyn with her partner, the song is a beautiful tribute to the joys of summertime.

The lyrics capture nuanced glimpses into her inner life and its message is one of contentment and optimism. The track is the perfect summertime anthem, evoking a sense of anticipation and playfulness.

Haawa’s music is a powerful example of how pop music is constantly evolving. The singer-songwriter has taken influence from different genres and cultures, creating a unique blend of music that is both calming and energizing. In “Say It”, she has effectively combined elements of hip-hop, R&B, soul, and folk music to create a track that is both catchy and meaningful. Her work is an inspiring example of the power of music to blend different sounds and influences to create something truly special.
