
Dutch Musician Harry Kappen’s New Single “The Freedom Inside” Climbs UK iTunes Pop Songs Chart

Kappen’s latest single reminds listeners to start with positive change from within to impact the world, and teases his forthcoming album release.

Dutch musician Harry Kappen has hit the UK iTunes Pop Songs chart with his latest single “The Freedom Inside,” which delivers a message of self-improvement and positivity. Known for his bold political statements and music therapy expertise, Kappen’s new single urges listeners to look inward for the inspiration to make positive changes in the world. Released on March 1st, 2023, “The Freedom Inside” debuted at #52 on the UK iTunes Pop Songs chart, giving fans a taste of what to expect from his forthcoming album.

In contrast to his earlier music, which frequently advocates for radical changes to the world, “The Freedom Inside” adopts a more reassuring stance and reminds listeners that change must first start within themselves. Instead of merely lamenting the situation, Kappen urges people to concentrate on discovering “the freedom inside” to change the world.

In addition to being a fantastic musician, Kappen also works as a music therapist in a youth care facility. He lectures for an international master’s degree program in music therapy and uses music therapy to help young children deal with a variety of problems and illnesses. The new song by Kappen showcases his talent for creating soulful music with a universally appealing message.
