
Spider Cherry Reveals the Dichotomy of “Little Bit Shy”

Check outLittle Bit Shy here: Link

In an arena where extraversion would seem to be a prerequisite, Nathan Mercado—knobsticking as Spider Cherry—enunciates his point with compelling poise in his latest single, “Little Bit Shy.” Hailing from South Florida, this upstart musician harnesses the proclivities that would drive his piano into something of a spectacle of sound, both raucous and introspective, stirring together a mix of glam-rock with today’s pop sensibilities and an essence of carnival music.

The great danceable beat rolled underneath piano chords, even a lead guitar that dripped in distortion, and a veneer of confidence lay beneath Spider Cherry’s full-throated vocal delivery, giving out humorous lyrical quips to tell a much different, deeper story. The track serves as both an exploration of his own wild behavior and, subtly, an apology for it. Wine flowing in the streets—a river of wine—hedonism with no apologies, the song lays out a scene of havoc against a weak but still perceptible, perhaps sheepish backdrop.

What is most striking is the open avowal of ADHD by Spider Cherry—kind of peopling that makes a person. Kind of peopling that makes a person gives it a personal and vulnerable layer to the song’s energetic pulse. That confession sends him on a twisted journey through a set of vivid, almost cinematic scenarios, ending with a Hot Chip quote that brings the track to a reflective close.

The accompanying music video, directed by Kid Wonderlust, further amplifies the song’s themes. Spider Cherry is figured as an overgrown baby running amok in a sunlit domestic tableau and, in so doing, epitomizes the literal and metaphorical mess of his appetites and frustrations. This visual metaphor speaks to the huge disparity between the singer’s claimed shyness and the bold, unrestrained actions that peek into a transformation that solves his problems through pure force of will.

Yet, “Little Bit Shy” raises an essential question about the balance between inhibition and expression. Thus, from the corner embarrassed party to the dominant master of his surroundings, the song and video leave one to ponder whether a bit of restraint is not quite the bad thing it seemed to be or possibly even layers that add depth to an otherwise effervescent froth of talent and personality. Spider Cherry’s “Little Bit Shy” definitely makes more than the obvious single; it is a multilayered story that whips the image cliché about the character of the musician. It actually opens to the audience the chance to look deeper into the contradiction of somebody very confident and at the same time being sensitive. In this release, Spider Cherry continues his niche-etching journey that proves shyness in the spotlight is not to dull brilliance but for enhancement of it.
